Our 2013 has started off on the right foot.....Marty Gervais, City of Windsor Poet Laureate, photographer, professor, journalist, and publisher of Black Moss Press has arranged, in partnership with the Ford City Neighbourhood Renewal, to host his University of Windsor Digital Journalism class in Ford City.
The topic of Ford City is one dear to Marty's heart, having spent part of his youth here and many hours with the Border City Boxing Club on Drouillard for his work called Show of Hands: Boxing on the Border(2004).
The Digital Journalism students will be working once a week from the Atelier Virginianne at 1078 Drouillard. The Atelier is an artist workshop studio and gallery space.
Virginanne, owner and artist said that "some shuffling of the sets that are being worked on by Walkerville Collegiate had to be done, but the workspace here is so versatile, they will fit right in. Using the space as a classroom is a first for the Atelier. I certainly look forward to the work the students will produce during their time here."
The students will be creating news pieces on various Ford City topics using video, photography, blogging, and hope to create a mini documentary of the overall process. The culmination of their work will be on display at the We Are Ford City event in April later this year.
We want to welcome theses talented students to the neighbourhood
(Photos below are were taken at Standard Printing at 1076 Drouillard, thank you to Standard for allowing us in at the last minute for a tour.) http://www.standardprintinginc.com/
-Karlene Nielsen, Community Coordinator, FCNR Jan 17, 2013